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I offer mediation for individuals and families considering separation or the dissolution of marriage or partnerships without adversarial, expensive, and time-consuming litigation. My impartial assistance throughout mediation ensures each party's interests and concerns are incorporated into mutual agreements.


As a certified court-connected family law mediator satisfying the Chief Justice Order's standards, I work with parties to meet their mandatory mediation requirement, and I am trained in settling custody, child support, parenting time, spousal support, and property division issues outside of court.

This process allows parties to minimize damage to relationships, create family arrangements that meet fundamental needs, especially those of any children involved, and focus on preserving resources for the future instead of spending them on costly and public court battles.

Contact me to explore how my affordable services can help you and your loved ones as you navigate the challenges inherent in re-configuring family structures, relationships, and finances. 

Professional Services

High-Quality Mediation Services for Families, Partners, Relationships in Transition

You can count on Best Options Family Mediation to meet your expectations and needs. Learn more about the services  provided below, and let me know if you’d like to know more about a specific offering.

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Initial Consultation with Each Participant

I am committed to honoring individuals' dignity, perspective, needs, and interests; a preliminary meeting with each party helps clarify these as well as goals for mediation. Conflict with others or a major loss sometimes transforms one's view of self, relationships, or life priorities. Often, disputes and disruptions shed light on internal conflicts and patterns that need to be effectively addressed while moving toward resolution with other parties. Throughout the mediation process, I guide all participants in communicating in constructive ways more likely to lead to a mutually-agreeable solution or settlement. You can count on me to be professional and impartial, adhering to the highest ethical standards, including confidentiality.

Confidential Mediation Sessions

Best Options Family Mediation offers joint, group, and shuttle sessions, depending on individuals' comfort levels and possible safety concerns. I have the professional experience and skills necessary to assist parties in analyzing their unique circumstances and making informed decisions regarding best options for themselves and their children (if any) moving forward. Mutual agreements arrived at during sessions will be based on careful attention to each party's needs and interests, financial concerns, and life circumstances. All mediation communications remain confidential, ensuring you and your loved ones' privacy and the high-quality results you deserve.

Couple in Mediation
White Flowers

Memorializing and Drafting Agreements

My in-depth experience paying meticulous attention to detail, meeting deadlines, and drafting complex documents as an attorney, law professor, and seasoned mediator will serve you well as my client. First hand experience in the family court system for over a decade taught me how critical it is that important information and responses are promptly provided to the client. You can expect timely, accurate, and well-crafted communications from me throughout the process of negotiating temporary or final negotiated settlement agreements. With Best Options Family Mediation, you can expect professionalism and efficiency in achieving results based on each party's informed consent and self-determination.

Rock Balancing

Mediator Kathleen Maloney

Stanford University, B.A., M.A. 

University of Arizona, J.D. 

(summa cum laude, Order of the Coif)

Oxford University, LLM equiv., Advanced law degree in International Human Rights Law  (with Distinction). 

Practiced law as a Member of the Arizona Bar for five years.

Appointed as Visiting Professional advising Appellate Judges at  the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Law Professor for past 13 years, teaching four upper-division law courses at Lewis & Clark Law School and at Willamette University's International Human Rights Clinic.


Custody, Parenting Time, and Financial Mediator, qualified through clinical training in advanced family law mediation at Clackamas County Resolutions Services (CCRS) and certified as Oregon Justice Department Court-Connected Mediator

Small claims and community mediator for Clackamas and Multnomah Counties.

Kathleen raised three children, mostly as a single mom, while navigating the challenges of divorce and the courts. 

Kathleen approaches cases with mindful attention to family history, relationship dynamics, and each party's needs and interests.

She ensures high-quality, cost-effective, and mutually-agreed outcomes. 

Kathleen delivers timely, responsive communications and top-notch professional services and products.

Get in Touch

Questions or requests? Please contact me at the email below for an initial quote and to schedule an initial consultation and mediation session. Please include your full name in your email; you can expect to hear back from me within two business days.

Portland, OR, USA

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